26 July 2013

Empty holes

There are empty holes in your life that may never be filled, but life goes on. Cliche much. And there will be times when you think you're ready, but the fact is you're not. Yet, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Then again, you should also keep in  mind that trying doesn't mean you'll succeed. And failure doesn't mean that you won't get it right some time later. You will, but maybe wayy later than you expected. You can never guess.

The holes, maybe they're just better off empty. You can try to fit in other things, but the least that can happen is you decrease the size of the hole. You never really fill it up. Sometimes, you just patch it up and later in the future, it'll just open up. But if you're lucky, God bless you, you'd end up filling it up, permanently.

Whatever it is, pray. God listens to every single thing you have to say. Turn to God. Pray.

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