27 July 2013

Cooking and instinct

Girls, ladies, women. Please, being able to cook is not a gift or a talent; it's nature. We are brought up with motherly instinct. Cooking is something you HAVE to know by instinct. You can't say you don't know how to cook when you haven't really tried. Sure, the first few times you fail, but duuuhh~ -,- You think your mom got it right the first time she cooked? Come on. There are gazillions of recipes, FREE - I must stress that - that you can try. Some even have pictures along with the instructions. Don't be afraid to try. It doesn't matter how late you're gonna be married, or how much you like ordering in, cooking is a motherly instinct. If you don't try now, you'll lose the lovely years of practicing and draining down the wasted, ugly food you made. Besides, cooking is not only about getting married. Cooking is about your identity as a woman, a lady. Come on. Get up, and get cooking. Start with something you like. Go and discover. Don't use wasting or got no time as your excuse. That's so lame. We have to enjoy every bits of life eating and cooking. Believe me, it's so good. You'll get better and you'll even find ways to maintain the cooking techniques. GOOOO! COOOK!

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