27 August 2013

Sighing post

I've been feeling down lately. Not that things in my life are bad or anything. I just haven't been feeling like I'm living my life to the fullest. I feel like there's empty slots in my life, awaiting to be filled yet I'm not doing anything. *sigh*

 Lately I've been having lot's of thoughts about my study life. I just want to drop out of college and do things, you know? Like just travel or work. It's not that my degree life is that bad, no. I just feel like I need to free myself from the 'reality' world. I don't know. I don't know why suddenly the thought of starting a new semester scares me. Is it because that I'm in third year now? And my practical is only months away? *sigh* I don't know. 

Maybe it's also because I've had a long holiday here in Australia and I don't feel like going back to study. I mean, I miss Malaysia, but definitely not studying. -,- It made me think a lot, being here. There's so many things I wanna sort out. Despite me feeling all so negative, I try to live up the positive spirit in me so that I can go through the rest of my life in happiness. 

With that, I started a new hobby, sewing, obviously. Then I start planning things for the future. There's one thing that I super hate about planning ahead - FAILURE. Apparently when things don't go as I plan, I tend to take it to the heart and start feeling like I'm useless and there's no point of living now that everything I plan tend to fail. -,- Sad, but I'm just that sad person. Anyways, despite of that, I still plan because I believe in planning. 

So, plans for next semester:

  1. GYM! I'm in serious need of exercise. My goal for next semester is 50 kg. Currently I'm 54 kg, thanks to Aussie, I fail to lose any fat. -,- Besides, gym takes my head off things. It's true, exercising is a stress reliever. 
  2. Australia GOP in November. So there'll be a lot of money making activity. I hope so much we can make it in time. InsyaAllah. My teammates are good people with a lot of spirit!
  3. IELTS. I need to start saving money for IELTS. I wanna be an exchange student this coming summer in Harvard, and for that I have to take my IELTS' test and also classes. So, I need heaps of money!
  4. Indonesia. There's this practical thing in Indonesia and I plan to join the program and do half of my practical there.
  5. Sew. I want to continue sewing and make a living out of it. Haha. 
  6. Get  good grades. I think I've done enough damage with last semester's grade. It wasn't that awful, but it wasn't that pretty either. So, I need this semester to be super awesome so that I can get back on track with my grades. :)
Okay, so that's a lot right? -,- I hope I can get my schedule in line and my spirit on going. I'm such a vulnerable person. I tend to lose track of things I want and give up ever so easily. I need to change that attitude for good!At least I have a plan, so all I need is some determination! 

I can do this, InsyaAllah. Let's all have a great time. :)

Think positive thoughts and smile.

Xoxo, Meia

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