09 July 2013

This is the real life update

So the previous post wasn't the best post to be updating after a long time of hiatus. -,- It makes me sound like I just came back from rehab or something. Welps, I can't control myself when I'm on the keyboard sometimes. And not to mention the overflowing things in this little head of mine. Anywhores, this is an official life update. HAHA.

I'm currently in Australia, with my sister and her small family. :) My oh my, how I love it here. Not only Australia, but here in Canberra, in my sister's small and cosy crib. I'm not gonna play the comparing game here because that'll just make me look ungrateful of own beloved country, but oh do I love it here. :D The weather, the people, the system. It makes me feel so safe. Hoho.

I haven't had the chance to really use a laptop or computer the whole while I'm here. Not because I'm busy or anything. I was just lazy. HAHA. Well, there's nothing to look at. I mean, I am barely on Facebook nowadays, so, yeah. Tumblr, not anymore. Blogging, yes. I wanted to blog so much, but I don't really know what to say. I've been numb for quite some time and I mean literally numb. My fingers swell sometimes. It gets to -5 degrees at night and 10 in the afternoon. Ahha. Besides, I thought I'd get some more knowledge on sewing and quilting from my sister while I'm here. It'd be a waste to just watch her work and not do anything. She has tons of fabrics! Oh, how it made me happy seeing them. xD

I am having so much fun sewing and patchworking alongside my sister. :) It feels so homey and cosy. It's nice to have someone who shares the same interest and who is there to teach. My sister is cool, but I'm always the cooliest. :p Anywhores, I'm very active on Instagram. My works are uploaded there (poyo je). I'm getting more confident in sewing and my works are better too. :) I'm so proud of myself *pats head* I love it so much. See, I don't have talent in sewing like my sisters; it's more like a gift. Sewing and tailoring runs in the blood. So, I guess I'm lucky. :) I just need support for confidence. So, yeah, I'm very much thankful for my ancestors for bringing joy in my life. HAHA. But the best part of Australia is my nephew! Oh God how I love him. So cute! And getting cuter. I just cannot be mad at him. He makes me wanna have a baby! HAHA.

There's nothing Malaysian in Australia. Nothing at all. Well, not that I've come in contact with. Nevertheless, Malaysia, tanah tumpahnya darahku. :) No matter how good another country, my country is always my pride.

I don't feel like I wanna go back home tho. And I'm not going back any sooner now, but I just love the calmness and peace, here in this small crib. It's like I'm breathing for all the right reasons. I can relax. Gosh, I'm gonna miss this feeling later when I'm back. *sigh* I guess coming here is kind of like going into rehab. A journey for the soul.

There's something really funny tho. Despite the modern technology, where communication is boundless, long distance relationship is so shitty. HAHA.

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