29 April 2013

The end of the semester

I wonder what changed me. I read back all my blog posts and I realized how much I love writing back then. Even tho most of the things I write are just crap, but I had passion. *I think it's illegal to even call it passion* But yeah. That's my point. Compared to the things I've written in the past few months, I like me in the past better. At least I showed some interest in the things I like. Now I'm just like a soulless person, with nothing to look up to. -,- I still do like writing. I just lost the real excitement. haih. I wonder what took away that.

Anyways, it's that moment again. The end of the semester. -,- I hate the end of the semester; the lecturers are still giving assignments and hoping that we do good in it. I have 7 case studies this semester. SEVEN! That's like seven times the burden. Questionnaires, interviews, discussions. *scream* It's eating my brain. Not one is done yet. -,- There are 2 that are still not moving. Nothing done! And there's like 3 weeks left of the semester. *scream* This is all because UTM is a research-based university. So, lecturers are needed to include case studies in all of the subjects. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

The problem is that some of the subjects aren't even core subjects. I don't even get the purpose of doing the research. blerrgghhh~

1 comment:

  1. Had a taste of mass lecture last Friday and I dont like it :(

    All the best Meia, march on baby. March on. For I believe that you can rock those jazz.
