23 January 2013

New Missiyon (mission)

Time is moving pretty fast for me. A lot of things done, yet a lot more need to be finished. oh wooowww~ I  love holidays. Not always, or the long ones, just short ones. Unless of course, I have a part time job or something to do that doesn't involve being stuck at home. ahah.

Anyways, point of writing is just to say that I have a new mission. ohohohohoho~
I've been meaning to play around with my DSLR and improve my skills capturing pictures but I've never had any motivation to push me further. -,- So, I found this simple and nice assignment that can be done by me. :D 

Capture pictures representing the 7 colours of rainbow. One day, one colour. So, only 7 days are needed. I'm sure I can do it.
I think.

Let the game begiiiin~

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