24 January 2013

This is what I learnt today

So, today was kinda awkward. Awkward is not really the right word. I can't find any suitable word for it. -,-  But here goes.

Mama asked me to accompany her to the car wash in Teratai. But before that, we headed to Kangkar Pulai to pick up Adik from her friend's house. Then we went to the car wash. While waiting for our car, we sat at a restaurant across the road. 

I was watching cars passing by on the opposite of where I was sitting. Then there was this lady crossing the big road. I sat there thinking, what if she got hit by a car? Okay, I admit, not such a good thing to be thinking about or hoping, but I can't control what comes thru my head. -,-

Well, she didn't get hit. Thankful. As much as I wonder how'd it be to witness an accident, I don't want it to really happen.


But the world has a weird way in making wishes come true. 
Minutes after my imagination, a car hit a guy riding a motorcycle and dragged him 50 meters. 


He lived, Alhamdulillah. Buuut, the hell just happened?

I saw the whole accident. I was at the scene. Ohmaigod.
What have I done? D: I feel guilty a lil bit. I do. The guy, such a clever guy, wasn't wearing a helmet. GOOD BOY! His head was bleeding gallons of blood. Ergh.

I know now that I shouldn't be thinking of situations that could be bad for people. It can just happen. It was like someone heard me or read my mind and made it happen. -,-


23 January 2013

New Missiyon (mission)

Time is moving pretty fast for me. A lot of things done, yet a lot more need to be finished. oh wooowww~ I  love holidays. Not always, or the long ones, just short ones. Unless of course, I have a part time job or something to do that doesn't involve being stuck at home. ahah.

Anyways, point of writing is just to say that I have a new mission. ohohohohoho~
I've been meaning to play around with my DSLR and improve my skills capturing pictures but I've never had any motivation to push me further. -,- So, I found this simple and nice assignment that can be done by me. :D 

Capture pictures representing the 7 colours of rainbow. One day, one colour. So, only 7 days are needed. I'm sure I can do it.
I think.

Let the game begiiiin~

21 January 2013

online shops suck all my money.

Being stuck at home isn't all fun yet it isn't that bad. But I have to remind myself to constantly go out for sunshine. -,-

I don't really like staying home, but I don't really like going out either. I don't know. I mean, I like going to places and stuffs, but there's always a part of me that stops me from going. Money? yeah, that is one of the reasons. *sigh*

Anyways, I thought being stuck at home would make my money grow into a bigger hill. But damn all these online shops. effkety eff. 

Cheers to being stuck at home.

20 January 2013


Things I'm expecting from 2013:

1. Jeffery Archer's new book
2. Avatar: The Legend of Korra (Book 2)
3. Ending my second year
4. My birthday
5. Travelling
6. A new camera lens
7. Better self


19 January 2013

Unaswerable questions

What if there was no internet, no shopping malls, no Astro?
What would I be doing?

The questions intrigue me.

18 January 2013

Hobbies and interests.

ah, I got my weekly planner pasted on the wall for all the things I have to get done. Too many things to do, yet so little time to do so.

I have a lot of interests. I can't say they are my hobbies since I don't really do them when I have free time or constantly doing them whenever I can or do I have passion in doing it. I think it is more to interest; I do it because I enjoy doing it whenever I wanna do it.

I like patch-working, quilting, beading, baking, photography, travelling and shopping.
I'm not really good at any, but I can do a little bit of everything. Like I said, they're not hobbies, but more of interests. I find myself enjoying doing all the things and every now and then I'll get my arse moving and finding time to complete a project or two.

Reading would be a hobby; reading and owning books. Haha! I'd always find time to read a book or two within a month. I  know, that's actually too little, but I'm just making sure that at least I have some reading done. 
I like reading blogs. I like reading magazines especially quilting magazines. Have you seen all those quilts they do? Ohmaigod. Amazing. 
I like reading recipes. Ah, good food. :) I always want to be a good cook. Cook with heart and skills. Ahah. 

So, yeah. Interests, hobbies, what are the differences eiy? Well, it doesn't seem much,but there are differences. And I like to put it that way: differentiating between what I like doing every now and then and what I enjoy doing at constant time.

17 January 2013

New Look

Okay, I know it's hard to read, but i dunno. I like it. 
So, heck. 

It's not like i write much, write anything worth reading. So, my blog, my way. :D

I'm just curious, how do you decide what's important now, to not be important later?

When your heart starts to shatter, remember that you were once a whole.
Don't lose yourself yet.
People come and go. If you let your guards down, you'll go down with everything.

Whatever 'is' now, can always be a 'was' later.

10 January 2013

For A Friend

I don't know if you're gonna be reading this or not, but I do hope you will. :)

I miss you, Amin. Like so much. I don't know what happened between us, but yeah. I miss our times in Asasi. 

You're a great friend.
It's okay to not be okay Meia. Allah itu Maha Kuasa. Doa banyak-banyak.

08 January 2013

It's just me

I want a nice photo shoot. I want a photo shoot where I'm the subject. 

07 January 2013

for you

But I really want you to know what is inside me. 



It means Jeffrey Archer's new book is gonna be out in March! wehuu~ can't wait to get my book vouchers! cepat cepat cepaaat.

05 January 2013

do you?

you say you care about someone, but how do you show?
you say you love someone, but how do you say it?
you say you miss someone, but what do you do?

do you tell her you care for her?
do you tell her you love her?
do you tell you miss her?

have you ever thought of telling?
have you ever thought of showing?
have you ever thought calling?

you just say, but never do.

04 January 2013

Charm Bracelets

Oh, how I love charm bracelets. They are the best! And lately I've been obsessing about charms because of this website: 

My God! can't help myself and bought two. xD HAHA! I like the simple ones tho. The crowded ones are cute, but not really what I'd wear. 

ah, bracelets are the best. :)

No words can ever describe this

God knows hoe much I miss these people, how much I miss the warmth.

03 January 2013


Alhamdulillah. It's all starting well. :)

I know, it's a little too early to say anything. But I've been really good lately. I can't help say that things are all well.

But I have to constantly remind myself, 

'Sabar Meia. Doa banyak-banyak.'

Allah will always be with me.

01 January 2013


People, please. Stop banging on my door asking whether it's true or not I'm getting engaged. Well, for the record, yes, I am getting engaged. IN A FEW YEARS! God. 
Where do you people even get the news or the idea that I'm gonna be engaged? Please. I had enough saying no to people and convincing them that I'm not. It's starting to get on my nerves. 

If I'm getting engaged, or married, I promise I'd tell the world.
XOXO, me.